Friday, September 6, 2019

Music Theory Notes #1 (2019-20)

                     You will need to know all of your major keys. Remember that when dealing with major keys, if the key signature has no sharps or flats then you are in the key of C Major.
a.       Order of sharps and related keys (major scales):
Key or Scale:       G             D             A             E              B             F#           C#
Order of #s:        F              C             G             D             A             E              B

b.       Order of flats and related keys (major scales):
Key or Scale:       F              Bb           Eb           Ab          Db          Gb          Cb
Order of bs:        B             E              A             D             G             C             F
As you can see from the chart above, If one has 4 sharps in the key signature, the scale or major key is E Major. The sharps in the key signature would be F, C, G, and D.
If one has 3 flats in the key signature, the scale or major key is Eb Major. The flats in the key signature would be B, E, and A.